Saturday, November 2, 2019

Saving Starbucks' Soul Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Saving Starbucks' Soul - Essay Example Starbucks was one of the Fortune Top 100 Companies to Work For in 2005(Marketing teacher, 2010). Its global reputation and brand name has immense effects on global custoemrs.The immense resources are the major strength of Starbucks. The ability to forecast the market climate is another major strength of Starbucks. Most of the decisions taken by Starbucks during the last decade brought dividends to the company. Not even a single decision went wrong for Starbucks during this period. They were able to analyse the market opportunities and challenges provided by globalization and moreover they were able to redefine their strategies to make them suitable to meet the challenges and opportunities. They have adopted custom made strategies for each market as they realised that even for the same product, different marketing strategies required at different places. (BusineeWeek, 2009, p.3).This program was aimed at teaching the staff about the regional preferences. Commitment towards the environment made Starbucks one of the highly reputed companies in the world. They are keen protecting the environment by recycling all the industrial waste produced by their activities.Good customer relationships, good suppliers, leadership in the market, talented employees are some other major strengths of Starbucks. Starbucks tried to do too many things at a time. They have changed the romantic La Marzocca machines and introduced automatic espresso machines, in order to solve the major problem in terms of speed of service and efficiency (BusineeWeek, 2009, p.1). They failed to recognize the emotions the customers have on the earlier machine. Moreover the current machines are too big in size and small persons find difficulties in using it. The new machine also prevents the customers from enjoying the preparation of the drink. Flavor locked packaging helped the company in providing the fresh roasted bagged coffee, but, the loss of aroma,

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