Thursday, November 28, 2019

Paganism and Christianity in Beowulf free essay sample

Like a man outlawed for wickedness, he must await the mighty judgement of God in majesty. (Beowulf, Heaney, p. 65) Finally, as Beowulf is dying after being mortally wounded by the Dragon, he ultimately thanks and praises God for the future prosperity of his kingdom, passing off the fame and glory to God instead of claiming it solely himself: To the everlasting Lord of All, to the King of Glory, I give thanks that I behold this treasure here in front of me, that I have been allowed to leave my people so well endowed on the day I die. (Beowulf, Heaney, p. 189) The attempt at bridging Pagan tradition with Christianity is clear and powerful. Fate and personal fame and glory are important doctrine in Paganism, and the author of Beowulf is able to mend these characteristics with the Will of God and the ultimate power and glory of God, all major aspects of Christianity. We will write a custom essay sample on Paganism and Christianity in Beowulf or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2-B2 The Gospel of Matthew was and still remains a critical text to Christians, both cradle Christians and converts from Judaism. It depicts the life of Jesus, as did the other two synoptic gospels Mark and Luke. It includes depictions of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, his temptation, his baptism by John the Baptist, his teachings, his crucifixion, and his resurrection and Great Commission to his disciples. ?The Great Commission is arguably the most significant excerpt from the Gospel of Matthew as is believed to be Jesus’ instructions dictated to his disciples to go out and spread the teachings of Jesus. It is found in Chapter 28, verses 16-20: â€Å"Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. This excerpt has been interpreted by Christians as divine instruction to evangelize nations, baptize non-Christians, as well as to perform missionary work. It is central to the theology of most Christian religions. Also of note, the Gospel of Matthew served as a bridge from Judaism to Christianity. In it, Matthew attempts to demonstrate how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament and that Jesus is, indeed, the Messiah foretold in the old texts.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Analyzing the role of Strategic Entrepreneurship in forming temporary Competitive Advantage that leads to Value Creation The WritePass Journal

Analyzing the role of Strategic Entrepreneurship in forming temporary Competitive Advantage that leads to Value Creation Introduction Analyzing the role of Strategic Entrepreneurship in forming temporary Competitive Advantage that leads to Value Creation ). Strategic entrepreneurship essentially involves concurrent opportunity-seeking and advantage-seeking behaviors, which result in better performance of the firm (Ireland, Hitt Sirmon, 2003). This research is interested in conducting a similar investigation and seeks to analyze the role of strategic entrepreneurship in forming temporary competitive advantage, which leads to the creation of value for the firm. Research Questions This dissertation is interested in determining whether firms, which engage in strategic entrepreneurship, are able to establish temporal competitive advantage in a dynamic environment, especially whilst competing with other firms and within the context of creating value for the firm. Below are the specific questions to be addressed in this dissertation: What benefits would a firm obtain by successfully employing strategic entrepreneurship in the current competitive market? What temporary competitive advantage results from employing strategic entrepreneurship? Does strategic entrepreneurship create value? Aims and Objectives The primary aim of this research is to analyze the role of strategic entrepreneurship in building competitive advantage and creating value for the firm. Based on the research questions given above, the objectives of this dissertation are as follows: To find out the benefits of employing strategic entrepreneurship To understand what competitive advantages are the result of utilising strategic entrepreneurship To investigate whether strategic entrepreneurship creates value for the firm Rationale This dissertation will provide insights on the significance of strategic entrepreneurship, especially within the context of forming temporary competitive advantage, in pursuit of creating value for the firm. This research seeks to address some of the gaps in literature, such as understanding the balance between the opportunity-seeking behavior associated with entrepreneurship and the advantage-seeking behavior of strategic management (Hitt et al., 2011). Moreover, a Strategic Entrepreneurship Theoretical Tree will be utilized in order to analyze the various components of strategic entrepreneurship. The theoretical tree is created based from the different studies conducted on the subject. Literature Review (Preliminary) Strategic entrepreneurship is associated with firm’s objective of achieving superior performance through the simultaneous application of both opportunity-seeking and advantage-seeking activities (Ketchen, Ireland, Snow, 2007). Various researchers have identified different components of strategic entrepreneurship, which can lead to superior performance of the firm. Ireland, Hitt Sirmon (2003) proposes four dimensions for the successful implementation of strategic entrepreneurship: (a) entrepreneurial mindset; (b) entrepreneurial culture and leadership; (c) strategic management of resources; and (d) applying creativity to develop innovations. At the business level, value creation is usually reflected in the expansion and growth of a firm. Welter Smallbone (2004) found that Institutional Economic Theory highlights the institutional embeddedness and path dependence of entrepreneurial behavior. This, in turn, influences the degree and nature of value creation for the firm. A number of authors have identified the factors that influence value creation and competitive advantage. Pongpearchan (2011, p.5) found that ‘operational innovation efficiency and business practice effectiveness have a significant positive effect on value creation excellence.’ On the other hand, Rindova Fombrun (1999) argue that competitive advantage is a systemic outcome which develops as firms engage in processes that involve the use and exchange of resources, as well as the communication that occurs in these exchanges. Therefore, the fluctuations on the interpretations and evaluations of a firm affect its resources and its competitive advantage in the marketplace. Below is the model of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Theoretical Tree which will be used as the main theoretical framework of this research. Each of the components of this model is based on different studies. These will be discussed in more detail during the full dissertation document. Methodology This research will use quantitative research methodology in addressing the objectives of the study. Quantitative survey will be used in gathering data from respondents. Quantitative methodology is chosen for this study because it will allow the researcher to utilize the opinions of respondents in explaining the phenomena being studied. The survey will be administered to employees and managers of SMEs and large commercial firms in the UK to find out their views on the subject. The survey will asks questions such as how respondents perceive the role of strategic entrepreneurship in forming creative temporary competitive advantage; what are the benefits of strategic entrepreneurship; how can firms create value; etc. The target number of respondents for the survey is 100. In anticipation of the fact that some potential respondents might refuse to participate in the survey, around 175 to 200 questionnaires will be distributed to ensure that 100 responses will be gathered. The survey will be administered face-to-face, via post, though emails, and online. This is done to allow respondents to choose how they want to answer the survey. After data gathering is completed, statistical analysis will be used in analyzing the data. SPSS and Excel will be used as the primary software for analysis. References Hitt, M, Ireland, D, Sirman, G, Trahms, C. (2011). Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating value for individuals, organizations and society. Academy of Management Perspective. p.57-75. Ireland, D, Hitt, M, Sirmon, D. (2003).   A Model of Strategic Entrepreneurship: The Construct and its Dimensions. Journal of Management. 29(6), p.963-989 Ketchen, D, Ireland, D, Snow, C. (2007). Strategic entrepreneurship, collaborative innovation, and wealth creation. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. 1(3-4), p.371-385. Olusola, A. (2012). Strategic Entrepreneurial Skills’ Influence on Small Businesses’ Performance in Oyo and Osun Western States-Nigeria. Research Journal in Organizational Psychology and Educational Studies.1 (6), p.345-352. Pongpearchan, P. (2011). Strategic entrepreneurship management competency and firm success: a comparative study of SMEs in auto and electronic parts in Thailand. International Journal of Business Strategy. 11(2). Rindova, V Fombrun, C. (1999). Constructing competitive advantage: the role of firm-constituent interactions. Strategic Management Journal. 20(8), p.691-710.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sociological imagination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sociological imagination - Essay Example People see themselves merely as recipient of society rather than recognizing their dual roles as both creators and receivers of the artifacts of society and socialization. The film â€Å"A Better Life† demonstrates many of these characteristics. Its main characters, Carlos, and undocumented immigrant, who buys a friend’s gardening business only to have its main asset (a truck), only to have it stolen, and Luis, seem to only be able to brave the struggles that are thrown at them every day without being able to act to change the systems that oppress them. The film makers, thus, fall into the trope of creating victims of society and socialization, without giving them agency to actually be a force for change in the social fabric. The film â€Å"A Better Life† is certainly a heart rending story, with people working incredibly hard just to make ends meet, and who face an unfair system that tilts their struggle for life against them. One of its main problems, whoever, i s that it does not give its characters a great deal of agency beyond simply responding to one crisis after another – reacting to the things that are presented of them. This trope begins from the very opening of the film, when Carlos is (apparently for the nth time) offered his partner’s gardening business. He faces a choice foisted on him from outside circumstance: to buy or not to buy? When he hires someone who then steals his car, he likewise faces choices on how to deal with it, and eventually decides to steal the car back. Finally, when pulled over and deported, he has a choice of remaining in Mexico or of trying to get back in to America, and he chooses the latter. This sequence of outside crisis is certainly how many people imagine their lives, noticing only what Mills calls the â€Å"millieux† around them, that is, their circumstances, without recognizing that they have a part in shaping those circumstances. This is not at all to seem critical of the char acters – that they should be doing more to give themselves a better chance at life. This issue is the film plays into a problem with the way people imagine themselves in the world with being solely the receivers of society and culture, rather than the creators and recipients of it. This film could have been better if the main characters at least recognized that they had some ability to shift the dynamics that were occurring, and that if many people like them made likewise changes then long lasting, changes for the better could actually occur. As it currently stands, the film tells the story of a valiant fight against a society that stacks the deck against much of its own population, but is not critical of the dynamic and trope of the individual responding to crisis foisted upon them by an outside, distinct society that they have no role in creating. â€Å"A Better Life† is certainly a good film outlining many important issues in sociology, such as oppression, the inter action between race and culture, the situation of immigrants and acculturation to new cultures and so on. Yet it falls into a trap that is very easy to stumble in to,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

IS Strategy for the Business of Johnsons Plc Essay

IS Strategy for the Business of Johnsons Plc - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that modern and efficient technology always attracts common and business people. In this decade the new information technology such as IS and an IT-based system has offered an exceptional influence on the diverse aspects. Additionally, the emergence of e-commerce or web-based business has offered a lot of advantages to business corporations. In addition, the application and utilization of new technology-based tools and systems have offered better support for the business operational automation in addition to enhanced management. In case of traditional business practices the business managers along with administration nowadays competently comprehend the significance of technology and its potential influence on the better business and corporate support. The need for the new technology-based systems and support is now considered very vital in every area of business. Additionally, the business management and administration have now realized tha t without a proper technology-based system and operational support through new technology-based systems, there is no way to manage a business effectively and obtain a better competitive edge for the business. Johnson's plc manufactures and trades a range of office fixtures products, comprising chairs, desks, tables and special computer furniture. Johnson's plc has established a long time ago and now evolved into an immense business arrangement with the staff of 60 people along with sales earnings of  £2.5m for the previous year. The business comprises a lot of business departments like management, sales, purchase, manufacturing, advertising, etc. In addition, all the departments are presently operational through the traditional business handling and management arrangements. In this scenario, the business is facing some of the major and critical handling and operational complexities of the better business and operational management.

Monday, November 18, 2019


TERRORIST USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS - Research Paper Example Terrorist activities are least likely to take place in high altitude areas since in most cases; these are areas that are always heavily militarized. Nuclear weapons are known to be the most dangerous of all weapons manufactured and utilized for military purposes (O’Neil, 2003). Terrorists are known to be using various weapons ranging from chemical to biological in carrying out their activities. Though they have not been using nuclear weapons, there has been a major concern over the use of nuclear tactic by terrorists in carrying out their activities. This paper will examine the possibility of terrorists using nuclear weapons and measures that countries can initiate to deter this menace from happening. Currently, countries cannot afford to ignore the rise of a new type of terrorism operating cross different countries and boundaries. These terrorist activities have their main aim as inflicting mass casualties and destruction. This move was illustrated by bombing of America’s pentagon House that took place on 11th September, 2001. Many people died, others sustained serious injuries and properties worth billions of dollars were destroyed. This is a clear indication that terrorist attacks using extremely dangerous weapons will remain a realistic prospect now and even in the future (O’Neil, 2003). The prospect of terror groups acquiring nuclear weapons has haunted the world at large for quite a long time now. Nuclear weapons could be made to yield a magnitude and effect of many kilotons and those weapons can be made small enough to increase their portability. There are various ways through which terrorist organizations can acquire nuclear weapons. They are the most powerful of all weapons used by terrorists in terms of their destruction. How easy are nuclear weapons to acquire? This is one question that one should have in mind. Nuclear weapons are attractive to terrorists due to their effects of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysing Rationality And Objectivity

Analysing Rationality And Objectivity Central to critical thinking and education espoused by Israel Scheffler are the concepts of rationality, objectivity, and pragmatic realism. Schefflers conception of rationality is normative; he views rationality as a mode of thought and action which all strive for (Sheffler, 1973) as opposed to a conception of rationality as descriptive which would suppose that rationality is a daily manifestation in our lives. Another interpretation that Scheffler provides to rationality is that it underscores both the ends of actions as well as the values embedded within them (Scheffler, 1973). Scheffler recognizes that rationality is sometimes categorized and separated into the theoretical and practical domains: theoretical rationality deals with beliefs whereas practical rationality emphasizes on actions. Scheffler favors a hybrid concept of rationality wherein both theoretical and practical aspects are considered. In Reason and Teaching, Scheffler defined rationality as the ability to participate in critical and open evaluation of rules and principles in any area of life and the free and critical quest for reasons (Scheffler, 1973, p. 62). The fundamental characteristics of reason then are consistency and experience; these constitute rationality in the judgment of specific issues (Scheffler, 1973). The requirement of formal consistency purports that our evaluation and elaboration cannot be considered rational if there are no operative principles or criteria to guide us in forming judgment. However, these rules and principles are not implanted in the mind but are products of the evolution of human knowledge. Scheffler (1973) explained: The fundamental point is that rationality cannot be taken simply as an abstract and general ideal. It is embodied in multiple evolving traditions, in which the basic condition holds that issues are resolved by reference to reasons, themselves defined by principles purporting to be impartial and universal. (p. 79) Scheffler views that rationality should be considered a fundamental aim in education. As a broad concept, rationality has the tendency to bridge the different fields of education rather than pull them apart (Siegel, 1996, p. 649). Rationality and all the ideas attached to it are pivotal to discussion, consideration, reflection, and deliberation. Scheffler provides the example of a dancer. Dance incorporates rationality as the student performs; dance is not merely emoting and simply flailing of arms and legs. It requires thinking, questioning, and talking by way of gestures. Objectivity Schefflers conception of rationality is tied to objectivity which is defined as the process where judgments are put to the test of independence and impartial criteria (Scheffler, 1967, p. 1, 3). Neiman and Siegel (1993) elucidate on the connection of rationality and objectivity in the Schefflerian context: If my belief that p is rational, then that belief is based upon relevant evidence which is impartially and objectively weighed and assessed. Objectivity, in the sense specified, is thus a necessary condition for science and for rational deliberation and belief more generally. But rationality is equally required for objective judgment, since such judgment requires that claims and assertions be evaluated independently, on the basis of relevant evidence, and that the judgment reached be determined by the strength of that evidence. (p. 61) Responding to the claims of the positivist school that beliefs are ultimately subjective, Scheffler argued the issue of objectivity as a way by which we can examine our belief systems and choose from other competing paradigms which is best, based on good reasons (Scheffler, 1982). Scheffler cautions against the excesses of the Cartesian method where truth is held as miserly caution where the scientist gathers the facts and guards the hoard (Scheffler, 2009, p. 131). Theoretical imagination is considered a distraction and an obstacle to pure objective science. According to Scheffler, so long as people have access to methods and opportunities to deliberate, they manifest to varying degrees, their level of objectivity. To him, objectivity concerns the manner of justification; it requires only the responsible commitment to fair canons of control over ones theoretical claims (Scheffler, 1982, p. 67). In response to demands of certainty and uniformity in scientific inquiry, Scheffler (2009 ) provides this critique: This doctrine is, in fact, the death of theory. Theory is not reducible to mere fact gathering, and theoretical creation is beyond the reach of any mechanical routine. Science controls theory by credibility, logic, and simplicity; it does not provide rules for the creation of theoretical ideas. Scientific objectivity demands allegiance to fair controls over theory, but fair controls cannot substitute for ideas. (p. 131). Moreover, a crucial element of Schefflers conception of objectivity is the absence of certainty, a reflection to his commitment on the epistemological doctrine of fallibility (Scheffler, 1982). Accordingly, the criteria made for justification are also fallible (Siegel, 1982). The norms and criteria should be universal if only to media conflicts between belief systems of particular groups or cultures. However universal we would want these norms to be, we cannot prove the validity of how these criteria serve as justification for objectivity. Hence, justification should not be misconstrued as truth (Siegel, 1982). In the context of education, the inevitable facts of human fallibility and cumulative nature of scientific knowledge preclude absolute certainty. Scientific principles or scientific doctrines should not be considered as absolutes; rather, education must be organized in such a manner which leaves some room for the possibility of intelligible debate over the comparative merits o f rival paradigms (Scheffler, 1982, p. 130). In this regard, educational content should not be presented as eternal truths but rather as the best truths that we have come up with for the time being. Scheffler conceptualizes rationality and objectivity in relation to a reality that exists independently. This reality partially evaluates which assertions are based on good reasons. In his response to Nelson Goodman, Scheffler makes an inference on truth as a human construction: Surely we made the words by which we describe stars; that these words are discourse dependent is trivially [trueà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.It] doesnt imply that stars are themselves discourse dependent. (p. 200) Schefflers interpretation of rationality and objectivity figures into what he considers a minimal version of realism. He approaches the entire concept of reality as an educational aim with suspicion. In lieu of reality, Scheffler argues that educators need to emphasize the constrained nature of our inquiry. In the context of educational practice, educators must acknowledge that there are theories more credible over others; our deliberation and evaluation on what these theories are should be depend on reasoned judgment and sound criteria (Scheffler, 1973). Realism presupposes an ideal of expanding our conception of reality. In this case, teachers must encourage and help children keep in touch with reality and provide them with skills in order to manage within it and learn from it. Hence, realism also emphasizes how the development of critical abilities is indispensable in the evaluation and improvement of systems of description to make them more attuned to reality. Scheffler does not subscribe to radical constructivism which proposes that students should be left alone to construe their own knowledge or belief systems without guidance. Without such guidance, students are left with inappropriate or inadequate conceptual tools to learn and manage within reality. Like many supporters of the realist school, Scheffler believes that people who know and understand independent reality will have a greater probability of living a more rewarding life and making more reasonable choices. Accepting the plurality of theoretical and practical domains is one that must be embraced, based on good reason and evidence. Opposite radical constructivism is reductionism which narrows, delimits, and relativizes human understanding so that educational practice is tailor-made to fit into oversimplified conceptual constructs and absolute ideas of right and wrong answers. The idea of scientific and technical human being is one example. To Scheffler, the ideal educator uses Objectivity without certainty, relativity but not subjectivism, truth consistent with pluralism these are the pragmatic emphases I admire (Scheffler, 2009, p. 3). Schefflers views on rationality and objectivity emphasize the importance of reason and observation in our pursuit of understanding and truth. However, these pursuits do not preclude the use of non-cognitive emotions or morality. Based on Schefflers pragmatic realist point of view, the non-cognitive aspects of our belief systems do not automatically make them succumb to reason. In fact, in Schefflers (2009) view: The ideal theorist, loyal to the demands of rational character and the institutions of scientific objectivity, is not therefore passionless and prim. Theoretical inventiveness requires not caution but boldness, verve, speculative daring. Imagination is no hindrance but the very life of theory, without which there is no science. (p. 131) In summary, Scheffler assets that a degree of objectivity is required to pursue rationality. Rationalitys function is to help us weigh, assess, and evaluate our beliefs and actions based on good reasons and evidence. Objectivity ensures that our deliberations or judgments are impartial and not biased.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Gender & Jim Crow: Book Review Essay -- essays research papers fc

In Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore’s book Gender & Jim Crow, Gilmore illustrates the relations between African Americans and white in North Caroline from 1896 to 1920, as well as relations between the men and women of the time. She looks at the influences each group had on the Progressive Era, both politically and socially. Gilmore’s arguments concern African American male political participation, middle-class New South men, and African American female political influences. The book follows a narrative progression of African American progress and relapse. Gilmore argues that African American male political participation between 1890 and 1898 represented a movement toward greater inclusion. She claims that African American males in politics strove for the balance of power between political parties in North Carolina, and that the Populist-Republican victory in 1896 kept African American votes in contention and maintained some African American men in political office for a short period of time. There was an agreement between African Americans and whites that the â€Å"Best Men,† middle class African Americans, were to be the only African Americans to hold office. This was because by being dubbed the â€Å"Best Men,† they had met certain standards and were suitable for office according to the white politicians. The â€Å"Best Men† clashed with the South’s â€Å"New White Man,† who sought to re-monopolize voting rights and political power, as well as to completely dominate African Americans. Gilmore attri butes the â€Å"New White Man’s† goals to these men’s bitterness towards their fathers who were blamed for the defeat in the Civil War, southern underdevelopment, and black progress. Nonetheless, African American men rapidly increased power in politics when many positions became publicly elected. Gilmore reasons that the progress of African American men in politics caused upwardly mobile and middle-class New South men, Southern Progressives, to formulate disenfranchisement and Jim Crow laws, and to later blame the deficient â€Å"cracker† for acting on their verbal violence. She also says that white supremacists reacted to white women’s movement into public space, urbanization, industrialization, and African-American advancement, and â€Å"responded to black power even as [they] capitalized on black weakness† (p 118). The â€Å"Best Men† were blamed for the supposed rapists and malingerers in the Afr... Carolina. I agree with her arguments, and found a great deal of the information in this book surprising, and also disturbing. I did not know a lot of the history of race relation in North Carolina, which was different from the rest of the south since whites barely outnumbered African Americans at that time in North Carolina. Because of this legal segregation came late and was more intense since the African Americans were able to put up more of a fight. All of Gilmore’s evidence supports her arguments, and makes a lot of sense. She did enough research and knows enough about the South that there is no reason any of the standpoints that she makes should be false. Glenda Gilmore’s book Gender & Jim Crow shows a different point of view from a majority of history of the south and proves many convictions that are not often stated. Her stance from the African American point of view shows how harsh relations were at this time, as well as how hard they tried for equity in society. Gilmore’s portrayal of the Progressive Era is very straightforward and precise, by placing educated African American women at the center of Southern political history, instead of merely in the background.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Cultural Relativism and Whistleblowing Essay

Explain using the ethics of cultural relativism the advantages and disadvantages of whistle blowing Cultural relativism is the principle regarding the beliefs, values, and practices of a culture from the viewpoint of that culture itself ( 2012). It is the concept that the importance of a particular cultural idea varies from one society or societal subgroup to another and that ethical and moral standards are relative to what a particular society or culture believes to be good or bad, right or wrong. In other words, â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† are culture-specific; what is considered moral in one society may be considered immoral in another, and, since no universal standard of morality exists, no one has the right to judge another society’s customs. According to Philosophy All (2012) the view that the varied moral or ethical systems are all equally valid is based on the idea that there is no ultimate standard of good or evil; so every judgment about right and wrong is a product of society. Therefore, any opinion on morality or ethics is subject to the cultural perspective of each person. Ultimately, this means that no moral or ethical system can be considered the â€Å"best,† or â€Å"worst,† and no particular moral or ethical position can actually be considered â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong.† Cultural perspective therefore can help us understand why certain actions are considered right or wrong by a particular culture. The actions being referred to include the act of whistle blowing. Boatwright (2009: 90) defines the act whistle blowing as the release of information by a member or former member of an organisation that is evidence of illegal and/or immoral conduct in the organisation or conduct in the organisation that is not in the public interest. Nadler and Schulman (2006) assert that whistle blowing is intricately linked to ethics in that it represents a person’s understanding, at a deep level, that an action his or her organisation is taking is taking is harmful and that it interferes with people’s rights or is unfair or detracts from the common good. The question therefore from a cultural relativism perspective is, through which culture’s lens is the â€Å"common good† being viewed. If in the prevailing culture whistle blowing is a common and acceptable practice an atmosphere where the advantages of whistle blowing has been cultivated. According to Trimborn (2012) the most important of the advantages is that whistle-blowing often ends long-standing wrongdoing that would have otherwise continued. Organisations who encourage a whistle blowing culture, promote transparent structure and effective, clear communication. More importantly, whistle blowing can protect the organization’s clients. Trimborn (2012) cites the example of a hospital employing a number of negligent staff members. Other, more ethically inclined, employees would need to bring such issues to the hospital’s attention, protecting the organization from possible lawsuits or severe mishaps resulting in a patient’s demise. In the case of clear workplace violations of health and safety regulations, or breach of employment laws, workers are protected and their rights upheld. With regard to research or technical issues, whistle-blowers may cite internal memos and other documentation to prove doubts existed about a product (such as a cover- up of certain medication dangers) or that false research results were knowingly published. Whistle-blowers often highlight safety concerns regarding cars or other products, thus protecting an unsuspecting public. Whistle-blowing upholds the law, protects many from the impact of wrongdoing, reveals the truth and prevents further wrongdoing. In cultures where whistle-blowing is frowned upon devastating consequences can be visited upon the whistle blower. Trimborn (2012) reveals some of whistle blowing’s negative repercussions. Firstly, it can bring termination of the whistle-blower’s services by the organization. It would be difficult to remain, no matter how justifiable the decision to reveal illegalities and no matter how much the revelations would actually benefit others. Secondly, big-time revelations could bring down the organization causing everyone to lose their jobs. Thirdly, the whistle-blower can get stigmatized as â€Å"disloyal† and be discredited in some way. Fourthly, the organization and sometimes colleagues may exact some form of revenge on the whistle-blower in retribution. Thus, the whistle-blower is somehow blamed for the wrongdoing and fired without an opportunity for vindication. In communities, the whistle-blower and family may be subject to hostile treatment, viewed as acting out of self-interest with a view to gaining advancement at others’ expense. In conclusion, unless culture, practice and the law indicate that it is safe and accepted for whistle-blowers to raise a genuine concern about corruption or illegality, workers will assume that they risk victimisation, losing their job or damaging their career. They even risk being cast out or ostracised by the communities they emanate from. In cultures where a safety net for whistle-blowers exists the whistle-blower is marked as a person of integrity who has the backbone to do what is right no matter what. It lets others know the whistle-blower can be trusted to deal with others honestly. It also limits the effects of intimidation tactics designed to sway whistle-blowers from taking appropriate action where necessary (Young: 2007).

Friday, November 8, 2019

November Calendar of Famous Inventions and Birthdays

November Calendar of Famous Inventions and Birthdays November is the month of Thanksgiving and some of the best inventions that made their official public debut with the registration of their patents, trademarks, or copyrights. Literary works, new methods of manufacturing, and new products all made their appearance for the first time in November. Throughout history, the 11th month of the year has also been when many great  inventors and scientists were born, and you can find out which famous figures and inventions share your November birthday below. Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights From the birth of Apple Jacks cereal  to several special  Thanksgiving  Day inventions, there are many great creations that got their official start with the registration of their patents, trademarks, and copyrights in the month of November. November 1 1966: Apple Jacks cereal was trademark registered. November 2 1955: Jim Hensons Kermit the Frog, the first Muppet, was copyright registered. November 3 1903: Listerine was trademark registered. November 4 1862: Richard Gatling received a patent for the machine gun. November 5 1901:  Henry Ford received a patent for a motor carriage. November 6 1928: Colonel Jacob Schick patented the first electric razor. November 7 1955: The movie Guys and Dolls, based on stories by Damon Runyon,  was copyright registered. November 8 1956: Cecile B Demilles The Ten Commandments was copyright registered. November 9 1842: George Bruce received the first design patent for printing typefaces. November 10 1981: The board game Trivial Pursuit was registered. November 11 1901:  NABISCO, the snack food manufacturer, was trademark registered. November 12 1940: Batman, the original comic strip, was trademark registered. November 13 1979:  Robert Jarvik was granted a patent for an artificial heart. November 14 1973: Patsy Sherman and Samuel Smith obtained a patent for a method for treating carpets known as Scotchguard. November 15 1904: Patent Number 775,134 was granted to King C. Gillette for a safety razor. November 16 1977: Stephen Spielbergs Close Encounters of the Third Kind was copyright registered. November 17 1891:  Emile Berliner was issued a patent for a combined telegraph and telephone. November 18 1952:  ELMERS glue was trademark registered. November 19 1901:  Granville Woods was issued a patent for a third rail to operate electrified railways. November 20 1923: Patent Number 1,475,024 was granted to Garrett Morgan for a traffic signal. November 21 1854: Issac Von Bunschoten patented a rosin-oil lamp. November 22 1904: Design patent for the Congressional Medal of Honor was granted to George Gillespie. November 23 1898:  Andrew Beard was granted a patent for a railway car coupler. November 24 1874: Patent Number 157,124 was granted to Joseph Glidden for barbed wire fencing. November 25 1975: Robert S. Ledley was granted patent Number 3,922,522 for diagnostic X-ray systems known as the CAT-Scan. November 26 1895: Russell Penniman received a patent for a transparent photographic film. November 27 1894: Mildred Lord was granted a patent for a washing machine. November 28 1905: ARM HAMMER baking soda was trademark registered. November 29 1881: Francis Blake was granted a patent for the speaking phone. November 30 1858: John Mason patented the screw neck bottle called the Mason Jar. November Birthdays From Marie Curie, who discovered radium, to the Fourth Earl of Sandwich, who invented the sandwich, November has given birth to a number of influential scientists and inventors throughout history. Listed by date and year they were born, the following famous figures changed the world with the accomplishments they made in their lifetimes. November 1 1950: Robert B. Laughlin  was an American physicist who won the 1998 Nobel Prize in physics for producing  body wave function in the  fractional quantum Hall effect.1880: Alfred L Wegener was a German meteorologist that revealed the continental shift.1878: Carlos Saavedra Lamas was an Argentinian who was the first to be awarded the Latin American Nobel Peace Prize in 1936. November 2 1929: Amar Bose was an electrical engineer with a Ph.D. from MIT and the founder and chairman of Bose Corporation, which patented advanced speakers that mimic being inside a concert hall.1942: Shere Hite is an author and sex therapist, who wrote the Hite Report. November 3 1718: John Montague was the Fourth Earl of Sandwich and the inventor of the  sandwich. November 4 1912: Pauline Trigere was the fashion designer that created bell-bottom pants.1923: Alfred Heineken was a beer brewer that founded Heineken  beer. November 5 1534: Carlos Saavedra Lamas was a German botanist and physician who wrote the first horticulture catalog.1855: Leon P Teisserenc de Bort was a French meteorologist who discovered the existence of Earths stratosphere.1893: Raymond Loewy was an American industrial designer that designed everything from Coca-Cola vending machines to  Pennsylvania Railroads S1 steam locomotive.1930: Frank Adams was a British mathematician, who greatly advanced concepts of  homotopy theory.1946:  Patricia K Kuhl is a speech and hearing scientist and a major contributor to the neuroscience, language acquisition, and speech recognition communities. November 6 1771: Alois Senefelder invented  lithography.1814: Adolphe Sax was the Belgium musician who invented the saxophone.1861:  James Naismith  invented the rules of basketball. November 7 1855: Edwin H. Hall was an American physicist who discovered the Hall effect.1867: Marie Curie  was the French scientist who discovered radium and won the Nobel Prize in 1903 and 1911.1878: Lise Meitner was the Austrian-Swedish physicist who discovered protactinium.1888: Chandrasekhara Raman was the Indian physicist who won the Nobel Prize for Physics for his advancements in the study of light scattering in 1930.1910: Edmund Leach was a British social anthropologist who greatly influenced the field of British structural-functionalism.1950: Alexa Canady was the first black woman to become a neurosurgeon. November 8 1656: English astronomer Edmund Halley discovered the Halley comet.1922: Christiaan Barnard was a South African surgeon who performed the first heart transplant.1923:  Jack Kilby  was an American scientist who  invented the integrated circuit (the microchip).1930: Edmund Happold was the structural engineer who founded engineering constituency. November 9 1850: Lewis Lewin was a German toxicologist who is considered the father of psychopharmacologist.1897: Ronald G. W. Norrish was a British chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1967 for the development of flash photolysis.1906: Arthur Rudolph was a German rocket engineer who helped develop the American space program. November 10 1819: Cyrus West Field financed the first transatlantic cable.1895: John Knudsen Northrop was an aircraft designer who founded Northrop Air.1918: Ernst Fischer is the German chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1973 for pioneering the field of organometallic chemistry. November 11 1493: Paracelsus was the  Swiss scientist who is known as the father of toxicology. November 12 1841: John W. Rayleigh was the English physicist won the Nobel prize in 1904 for discovering argon. November 13 1893: Edward A. Doisy Sr. was an American biochemist who invented a way to manufacture Vitamin K1 and won the Nobel prize in 1943.1902: Gustav von Koenigswald was a paleontologist who found Pithecanthropus erectus. November 14 1765:  Robert Fulton  built the first steamboat.1776: Henri Dutrochet discovered and named the process of osmosis.1797: Charles Lyell was  a Scottish geologist who wrote The Principles of Geology.1863:  Leo Baekeland  was a Belgian-American chemist who invented the  bakelite. November 15 1793: Michel Chasles was a  French mathematician who  specialized in geometry. November 16 1857: Henry Potonie was a German geologist who studied coal formation. November 17 1906: Soichiro Honda was the founder and first CEO of the Honda Motor Company.1902: Eugene Paul Wigner was a  Mathematician and physicist and the co-inventor of the A-Bomb who won the Nobel Prize in 1963. November 18 1839: August A. Kundt was a  German physicist who researched sound vibration and invented the test of Kundt.1897: British physicist, Patrick M. S. Blackett invented a nuclear reaction won the Nobel Prize in 1948.1906: American physiologist/biologist, George Wald won the Nobel prize in 1967. November 19 1912: George E Palade is cell biologist who discovered ribosomes and won the Nobel Prize in 1974.1936: Yuan T. Lee is a Taiwanese chemist who was the first from the country to win a Nobel Prize for his work on the dynamics of chemical elementary processes. November 20 1602: Otto von Guericke invented the air pump.1886: Karl von Frisch was a zoologist and bee expert who won the Nobel Prize in 1973.1914: Emilio Pucci is an Italian fashion designer known for his prints.1916: Robert A. Bruce was a pioneer in exercise cardiology. November 21 1785: William Beaumont was a surgeon who was first to research digestion.1867: Vladimir N. Ipatiev was a  Russian petroleum chemist who made huge advancements in the field. November 22 1511: Erasmus Reinhold was the German mathematician who calculated planetary table.1891: Erik Lindahl was a  Swedish economist who wrote The Theory of Money and Capital.1919: Wilfred Norman Aldridge was a biochemist and toxicologist. November 23 1924: Colin Turnbull was an anthropologist and one of the first ethnomusicologist who wrote The Forest People and The Mountain People.1934: Rita Rossi Colwell is an  environmental microbiologist  whos known around the world for her research. November 24 1953: Tod Machover is an  American composer who invented the use of new technology in music. November 25 1893: Joseph Wood Krutch was an American environmentalist and writer whose nature books on the American Southwest and critiques of reductionistic science made him famous.1814: Julius Robert Mayer was a  German scientist who was one of the founders of thermodynamics.1835: Andrew Carnegie was an industrialist and a noted philanthropist. November 26 1607: John Harvard was a clergyman and scholar who founded Harvard University.1876:  Willis Haviland Carrier  invented air-conditioning equipment.1894: Norbert Wiener was the American mathematicians who invented cybernetics.1913: Joshua William Steward invented polymath. November 27 1701: Anders Celsius was a Swedish scientist who invented the centigrade temperature scale.1894: Forrest Shaklee founded Shaklee Products.1913: Frances Swem Anderson was a technologist who researched nuclear medicine.1955: Scientist actor, Bill Nye is a scientist and actor who hosts a show on Netflix about science based on his original Bill Nye the Science Guy show from the 80s and 90s. November 28 1810: William Froude was an English engineer and a naval architect.1837:  John Wesley Hyatt  invented celluloid.1854: Gottlieb J. Haberlandt was a German botanist who discovered plant tissue cultures. November 29 1803: Christian Doppler was an Austrian physicist who invented Doppler effect radar.1849:  John Ambrose Fleming  invented the first practical electron tube called the Fleming Valve and the vacuum tube diode.1911: Klaus Fuchs was a British atomic physicist who was arrested for being a spy.1915: Earl W. Sutherland was the American pharmacologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1971 for discoveries concerning the mechanisms of the actions of hormones. November 30 1827: Ernest H. Baillon was a French botanist who wrote The History of Plants.1889: Edgar D. Adrian was an  English physiologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1932 for his work on neurons.1915: Henry Taube was a chemist who won the Nobel prize in 1983 for his work  in the mechanisms of electron-transfer reactions, especially in metal complexes.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Aurora of a Dream essays

Aurora of a Dream essays Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman, has an aurora of a dream. It is an enduring play that alludes to the unconscious motivations of life. It is a genuine tragedy. This is a story of rags to riches in reverse. It is a story of failure, uphill struggles, and a dream from reality. The American Dream, which is a myth of success, models the events of the plot, the character and the situations. Death of a Salesman illustrates what most people are up against. The reader sees the situations of civilization that he lives in himself, not the situations that Willy Loman, the salesman, encounters. Willy has conversations that are inside his head, which Miller once considered to be the title of the play. The past and present weave into one. The play is set during the 1950s. During this time, Senator Joe McCarthy was responsible for a movement known as McCarthyism. Readers during this era sometimes view Millers play as an attack on capitalism. Willy unknowingly symbolizes a revolt against society. He instills this on his sons with the value he places on manual work, sports, fitness and capability to handle tools and build things. Willy was an outdoorsman and did not realize it. In Act Two,Willy talks about their house and the work he had done: All the cement, lumber, the reconstruction I put in this house! There aint a crack to be found in it any more. This explains Biffs success as a ranch hand. In the Requiem, Linda remarks, He was so wonderful with his hands. It was bred into their family to do this type of work, not to be a white-collar worker. Biff replys to his mother in the Requiem, He never knew who he was. Willy declares in Act One, A man who cant handle tools is not a man. Willy could not believe that Charlies son; Bernard who became a lawyer, would ever be successful because he lacked all t...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murrieta Essay

The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murrieta - Essay Example This is the case with Joaquin Murieta who despite being a bandit is also depicted as being an honorable man as seen in the manner in which he shows acts of kindness especially for those people who are marginalized or poor in society. An incident where Murieta is shown being kind is where he demands that a ferryman ferries his gang across a river and give him all his money (Ridge 64 - 65). When Murrieta realizes that the ferryman only has a hundred dollars, he tells him to keep his money and pays him the full costs of ferrying the gang across the river. In this way, Murieta is shown to be a man sensitive to the plight of the poor, and it is likely that it is as a result of his having been raised in an environment of poverty which forced him to come north to California in order to make his fortune. The portrayal of Murieta, despite being a bandit, is one where he is depicted as being a very likeable individual as seen through the way that most individuals in the towns he ventures into do not consider him a threat. Instead, he is a man who is quite well liked with friend in almost all towns he visits who often warn him of anyone who is hunting him. It seems that it is as a result of the numerous friendships that he has developed all across California that Murieta is always a step ahead of those who hunt him. As a person who is considered to be a hero, he is constantly being protected by his friends in various towns who do not wish him to be captured. His likeable nature is part of the characteristics that make him a hero because despite living in banditry, he is an individual who seeks to always do the right thing at all times. Murieta is shown to be a man who has a very complicated personality in such a way that while he kills, he only does so in self-defense or in situations where he has suffered betrayal from people that he

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Saving Starbucks' Soul Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Saving Starbucks' Soul - Essay Example Starbucks was one of the Fortune Top 100 Companies to Work For in 2005(Marketing teacher, 2010). Its global reputation and brand name has immense effects on global custoemrs.The immense resources are the major strength of Starbucks. The ability to forecast the market climate is another major strength of Starbucks. Most of the decisions taken by Starbucks during the last decade brought dividends to the company. Not even a single decision went wrong for Starbucks during this period. They were able to analyse the market opportunities and challenges provided by globalization and moreover they were able to redefine their strategies to make them suitable to meet the challenges and opportunities. They have adopted custom made strategies for each market as they realised that even for the same product, different marketing strategies required at different places. (BusineeWeek, 2009, p.3).This program was aimed at teaching the staff about the regional preferences. Commitment towards the environment made Starbucks one of the highly reputed companies in the world. They are keen protecting the environment by recycling all the industrial waste produced by their activities.Good customer relationships, good suppliers, leadership in the market, talented employees are some other major strengths of Starbucks. Starbucks tried to do too many things at a time. They have changed the romantic La Marzocca machines and introduced automatic espresso machines, in order to solve the major problem in terms of speed of service and efficiency (BusineeWeek, 2009, p.1). They failed to recognize the emotions the customers have on the earlier machine. Moreover the current machines are too big in size and small persons find difficulties in using it. The new machine also prevents the customers from enjoying the preparation of the drink. Flavor locked packaging helped the company in providing the fresh roasted bagged coffee, but, the loss of aroma,